I think Mark Cuban is losing it

I’ve never met Mark Cuban, but I like him a lot. I love his courtside ranting and raving, I like the whole billionaire in a T-shirt thing, and I really like the fact that he lets things pretty much just hang out on his blog and says what he feels — how many billionaires or CEOs do that? And I even like his blog when I think he’s wrong, like I did with the whole “only a moron would buy YouTube” thing. But sometimes I think maybe he could use an editor — or at least a friend.

In his latest post, Mark takes another stab at the whole Google-YouTube-DRM thing, but this time he does it in a kind of stream of consciousness format that makes me wonder whether he isn’t spending some of those billions on British Columbia’s leading export. He talks about looking for music and videos, and how YouTube’s new quicklist makes it easy to find things, and programs like Total Video Converter let him convert movies so he can watch them on his iPod. And then he loses it — here’s a sample:

Wait a minute, who is the little guy hovering in front of me ? Dang, it looks like a Google lawyer ! Is he using a juet propulsion pack to fly ? No, its a floating Segway. Wow ! He is saying “No problem mark. You didnt crack any DRM, we dont use any !. You just downloaded a file from one of the most popular sites in the world and converted it to a format that works for your Ipod. We put it up there for you to take, so take it !

If copyright owners didnt want it there, they would have sent us a Take Down Notice !. I must be right because millions of people do it every day ! You wonder how I can fly with this Segway ? Its the DMCA Safe Harbor laws keeping me safe and floating. Take all the music, movies and videos you want, our users will upload more ! Enjoy , enjoy, enjoy !

Mark, buddy — time to step outside and maybe get some fresh air, dude. Or at least put down the bong for awhile. In other Cuban-related news, Deep Jive Interests has coined a new buzzword: To “Cuban.”

Can Digg-style voting make search better?

A little while ago, I got an email inviting me to go to a secret URL and try out an unreleased Web service, one that tries to apply Digg-style voting to search results. The site has now gone live, so I’m free to write about it, and I have to say it’s an interesting idea, but not one that I’m convinced will work — or at least not the way the company behind it, called Coolchaser Corp., intends it to work (Note: the site was down the last time I checked, due to what appear to be server problems).

The service from url.com (which I think is kind of a dumb name) takes the search results from Google, MSN and Yahoo and aggregates them and then displays them on a page. When you follow one of the links, you get a small toolbar at the bottom of the window with two buttons — one with a thumbs-up icon for “good result” and one with a thumbs-down icon for “not so good” — and you get a small text box in which you can enter a comment.

The idea is that as people rate search results, those with more votes flow to the top of the aggregated page of links, and users can see how many people thought a particular page was a good result, and any comments they may have made. It’s an appealing idea, and it’s obvious from the url blog that the founders believe people are naturally good and that they want to help. But do enough of them fit that description to make the service worthwhile? I’m not sure.

Even if there aren’t enough people who want to vote, however, url.com still makes a pretty good multi-engine search — and if it adds further value, then so much the better. One of the only downsides is that some websites run frame-blockers that remove the toolbar, and so you can’t vote on them. Coolchaser also runs a service called ClipClip.com, which is sort of like Clipmarks and other products that let you clip, store and share data as you surf the Web.

Ballmer says to root for Microsoft

Anyone who has seen Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in action — either in person or in one of the hilarious video clips of his Monkey Boy motivational-speaker routine — knows that it isn’t easy for him to play the underdog role. His thing is more of the “barking mad pit-bull” kind of role. But in a recent Business Week interview, he does his best to paint a scary picture of a world where Google is a media giant with no competition:

The truth is what Google is doing now is transferring the wealth out of the hands of rights holders into Google. So media companies around the world are all threatened by Google. Why? Because basically Google is telling you how much of your ad revenue you get to keep.They better get some competition. Us. Yahoo. Somebody better break through or you can short all media stocks right now.

Boy, I’m getting all choked up, Uncle Steve. Good thing we have Microsoft out there trying to help us poor folk. Feel free to tack a little more onto the purchase price of Vista and put it towards the “Microsoft Media” competition fund.

Who else Google needs to buy

Man, if I read one more analysis of the Google-YouTube deal — and that includes my own — my head is going to explode. My favourite take so far comes from Howard Lindzon, who starts out all sane and then starts to go off the rails in this post. Not only does he think Google should buy Zillow, but also Apple, Research In Motion, eBay, Amazon and Adobe. Then he completely loses it:

To ensure the deals go through – BUY TASER and arm the employees and LOCKHEED MARTIN to protect the Googleplex or Googleville. What the hell – after taking a few weeks off, BUY PHILLIP MORRIS and shut it the fuck down so that people live long enough to enjoy all the toys! BUT – make sure you push through legalized marijuana. Let’s face it. How much more fun would surfing the web and YouTube be. Shit, you may not even have to buy Akamai, because the web will seem fast enough. PS – I would than buy Chipotle’s because you need to feed everybody !

howard lindzon

There’s more, and it’s just as good (Howard also gets the “most egregious use of capitals” award for this week). Are you listening, Larry and Sergey?


For even more analysis combined with laughter, check out the video discussion between Prince “Chartreuse” Campbell and video-blogger Loren Feldman of 1938 Media. Loren is also responsible for the hilarious Jason Calacanis takedown video rant posted here.

So what’s next for YouTube?

Here’s a piece I posted at globetechnology.com about YouTube in the wake of the Google deal:

What was just a wild rumour on Friday, poo-poohed by many observers — including dot-com billionaire Mark Cuban — became reality on Monday, with Google’s $1.6-billion (U.S.) purchase of YouTube, the video-sharing phenomenon best known for clips of a fat guy doing the Numa Numa dance in front of his bedroom webcam, late-night confessionals from an actress known as “lonelygirl15” (recently hired as a spokesperson by the United Nations) and a lesson in what happens when Mentos meet Diet Coke.

So what happens now? The most obvious thing is that YouTube goes from being an underfunded (arguably), money-losing (allegedly) but wildly popular website — with over 100 million videos streamed every day — to a ridiculously deep-pocketed company that is now attached at the hip to the world’s most powerful online advertising vehicle. Is this the beginning of the new Internet video revolution, as Google CEO Eric Schmidt said on the conference call following the announcement? Or is this an eBay-Skype sort of deal, with a lot more heat than light?

Mark Cuban — who sold Broadcast.com to Yahoo for $5.7-billion in 1999 and later bought the Dallas Mavericks basketball team — remains convinced that Google is going to be in for a heap of copyright trouble from content owners whose material keeps showing up on YouTube. Others feel likewise, and they note that the Fox Network could make things very difficult for the new YouTube if it decides to remove every clip from every Fox show that makes its way onto the video-sharing site. Why would Fox do that? Because it is owned by News Corp., which likely wants to leverage its MySpace social network and become a prominent player in the video-streaming world.

Continue reading “So what’s next for YouTube?”

Please, let’s not call it GooTube

Well, all those rumours about Google and YouTube turned out to have more than a little truth to them. And kudos to Mike Arrington of TechCrunch for getting out there first with the story. He had the Wall Street Journal and New York Times not just following him but giving him credit for breaking the news, and that is definitely a feather in his cap.

Meanwhile, whether out of plain old stubbornness or devotion to his argument, “Megaphone Mark” Cuban refuses to admit that maybe he was wrong to call anyone who bought YouTube a moron, and is still convinced that the Google gang are in for a world of copyright pain.

Could he be right? Maybe. Or maybe the deals that YouTube has signed with Warner and Universal and BMG are a sign that things are changing. In any case, as Rex Hammock points out, Mark Cuban is an expert on crazy, so there has to be a pretty big piece of him that is cheering on the guy with the surfer dude name — YouTube CEO Chad Hurley — and co-founder Steve Chen.

Om Malik admits he was wrong to side with the nay-sayers, but then throws in at the end that he thinks it might be an “HP-Compaq kind of deal.” That’s harsh, Om 🙂 And Eric Schmidt says on the conference call that this is the “next step in the evolution of the Internet.” I don’t know about that, but it sure is going to be fun to watch.

Does this mean Larry and Sergey are morons?

Well, last night the Google-YouTube matchup was just a rumour posted by Mike Arrington at TechCrunch, and plenty of people were poo-poohing it — if only because TechCrunch can occasionally be, er… somewhat promotional, if you know what I mean. But now the Wall Street Journal, a publication not known for rushing into print with unsubstantiated rumours, is reporting that the two companies are in talks about an acquisition that could be worth $1.6-billion (U.S.).

The newspaper said that the “discussions are still at a sensitive stage and could well break off,” which is newspaper lingo for “don’t hold it against us if this big scoop turns out not to be true.” And TechCrunch even gets props for breaking the news in the second paragraph of the WSJ story — I bet that page gets framed or laminated and is hanging on Mike’s wall within the hour.

Russell Shaw is saying he told us so, and even my friend Paul Kedrosky thinks the deal makes a lot of sense (although I don’t think GooTube is really a great name, marketing-wise). Jason Calacanis also has a breakdown of why such an acquisition would make “perfect sense.”

So here’s what I’d like to know: what does YouTube’s biggest fan, “Megaphone Mark” Cuban think about this potential deal? I assume it means that Larry Page and Sergey Brin are morons, since Mark seemed to think only an idiot would buy YouTube because of all the copyright liabilities involved.

It’s possible that the talks are not going to result in anything, or that the rumours are coming from YouTube and are an attempt to start a bidding war, as Cynthia Brumfield of IPDemocracy suspects, but if a deal is done I would be very interested to see what Mark’s take on it is after he dissed the company so badly.


Webomatica posted a link in my comments section to a post by Jeff Jarvis from the Online News Association conference (which I had hoped to go to), where Mark Cuban was the keynote speaker. He passed on the news of the WSJ story and the presenter asked Cuban about it, and his response was pretty much what you might expect: Google would be stupid to buy YouTube, and if they did they would wreck it because they would have to remove all the copyrighted stuff. Charlene Li at Forrester has some thoughts about the value of a merger too.

Update 2:

Mark Cuban has posted his thoughts about whether Google would be stupid to buy YouTube. No surprise — he thinks “moronic would be an understatement.” However, he does think it would make sense for Google to do some kind of ad deal with YouTube.

$20-billion worth of sour grapes

Hey, I love the Interweb as much as anyone, and how it makes it easy for people who feel they’ve been wronged to take their story to the people, etc. etc., but seriously — why would anyone in their right mind believe Brad Greenspan, who claims to be the rightful founder of MySpace, when he says that other executives conspired to defraud shareholders of $20-billion when they sold the company to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp.?

Maybe if Brad had picked a slightly less ridiculous number, like say, $2-billion it would have been easier to buy into his story, which comes complete with detailed accusations against Richard Rosenblatt of Intermix Media — the company that bought another company that later morphed into MySpace, if you remember the tale that freelance writer Trent Lepinski told awhile back (the one that he said he was ready to publish until News Corp. allegedly put some heat on).

Brad’s story is that Rosenblatt and others conspired to keep the real information about MySpace’s phenomenal growth away from shareholders so that they would only think the company was worth half a billion dollars instead of $20-billion, which he keeps saying is the company’s real value, without really providing any coherent argument other than a phenomenal growth rate (and a reference to analysts like Jordan Rohan of RBC). Joe at Techdirt makes the same point.

Oh yes, and he has some totally incriminating emails from Rosenblatt, in which he says he thinks MySpace will be worth $20-billion some day. I guess that proves it then. If I email someone and tell them my house will be worth $8-million some day, can I then sue the guy who bought it because he only paid me $500,000? As my friend Rob likes to say, Brad should put down the bong. Here’s some more background on Brad and his various grievances, and details on why he was forced out of Intermix here.

Mark joins the b5media team

An important update to my recent post about b5media, which is below. In addition to getting some financing, they are also getting the skills and abilities of my friend and former journalism colleague Mark Evans, who just quit his job at the National Post to join b5media as their vice-president of operations. His announcement is here. Congratulations, Mark — and to b5media. Rick Segal of J.L. Albright pays tribute to Mark here, and Om gives some props as well, while Kent Newsome has some thoughts about the challenges confronting a blog network.

Original post:

Congrats to Jeremy Wright and the rest of the gang over at the blog network b5media, including Duncan Riley and a host of others. Rick Segal broke the news earlier today that he and J.L. Albright co-led an investment in the company with Brightspark, which is Delrina co-founder Mark Skapinker’s shop. In response to some questions from interested onlookers, Rick — ever the iconoclast — even announced how much the two had invested: $2-million U.S. in total. As he put it:

Lots and lots of people are going to go, yeah right, bunch of VC lemmings chasing flavor of the month, pissing away gobs of cash on another me too blogger pile. In the words of Seth Godin, I can only respond; so?

In an interview with the Blogging Times, Duncan discussed what the team plan to use the money for, which appears to include a salary for Mr. Riley, among other things (b5 also plans to spend some of the money compensating its bloggers). More on the deal from Problogger and b5media partner Darren Rowse.


Phil Sim of Squash isn’t convinced that blog networks really make sense as a business, or as an investment. And Nick Douglas at Valleywag heads straight for the jugular, as usual, although coming from someone at another blog network he might be protesting just a wee bit too much, methinks. Plus the capitalization thing is totally offside 🙂 Shel Israel has some thoughts here, and Syntagma (a competitor) has some more critical thoughts.

Is Google all there is to search?

It’s interesting to see the spectrum of opinion on Powerset, the search startup that just raised a bunch of cash from some high-profile Silicon Valley types including Peter “PayPal” Thiel and Esther “Release 1.0” Dyson (daughter of legendary astrophysicist Freeman Dyson).

Some critics, including Danny Sullivan of Searchenginewatch — who posted a comment on Matt Marshall’s piece at VentureBeat and has more thoughts here — seem to feel that Powerset is doomed, because so many other companies (including Ask) have tried to unseat Google by offering “natural language” search. Others have a “search is broken, so best of luck” attitude, and to his credit Barney Pell of Powerset links to representatives of both camps from his blog.

It’s obvious that in addition to getting some heavy hitters interested in his company, Mr. Pell is a pretty smart guy. He studied symbolic systems at Stanford and then got his PhD in computer science from Cambridge University, and wound up working on AI control systems for NASA’s Ames Research Center, according to this old bio page from there. Matt has some more history in his Venture Beat piece, but it’s clear Barney knows a thing or two.

In other words, he must know that plenty of people have tried the natural-language search model before, and yet he obviously feels that there is still something worth doing there, as he describes on his blog. And who wouldn’t agree that search is somewhat broken? Nine times out of ten, the first page of results from the average Google search is garbage.

If natural language search can help with that, I’m all for it. Of course, one of Mr. Pell’s critics, Steve Bryant, says having a good search engine isn’t enough to compete with Google.