“Let’s not encourage these bozos”

arringtonmalik.jpgToday’s laugh out loud moment is brought to you by John Biggs, the former Gizmodo writer who now does CrunchGear, the gadget blog that is part of Mike Arrington’s expanding TechCrunch empire. Biggs writes about the USA Today story featuring Mike and Om Malik, which talks about how they built their blogs into businesses, and his post just about made me fall off my chair:

“Now I don’t know who these people are or what they think they’re doing, but I think it’s bad to show people that you can make “real money” — how much, Om Malley? $5? HA! — doing this.

There are jobs that Americans should be doing — car repair, HVAC installation, dance instruction — that are going empty while these two jokers sit around all day pretending to work. For shame.

“B-logging,” like stamp collecting and religious observance, should be considered a hobby and nothing more. Let’s not encourage these bozos.”

That is gold, John. If I were Mike and Om, I would print your post, laminate it and hang it on my wall.

BBC does “social reporting” with Hammersley

From Press Gazette comes news the the Beeb is sending reporter and techno guru Ben Hammersely to Turkey to cover the election using a number of social networking tools, including his blog, Flickr, YouTube and Facebook:

“The BBC has dispatched reporter Ben Hammersley to spend two weeks using new social media web tools to cover the run-up to the July general election.

He will visit four cities and report for BBC World, World Service radio, News 24 and BBC News online.

In what is a first for the BBC, Hammersley will file to his personal blog, he will upload photos to Flickr, video to YouTube, post snippets of text to the microblogging site Twitter, bookmark research on the social bookmarking site del.icio.us and network with people through Facebook.”

Should be interesting to follow this experiment in distributed media. If I were a large media outlet, I would paying very close attention. Ben has a bit more on the deal here.

Hilarious Microsoft “Surface” parody

There’s no question that Microsoft’s “surface” user interface is pretty cool, and I have no doubt that we will be using something much like it in the future — but this video with the sarcastic voice-over is still hilarious.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZrr7AZ9nCY&w=425&h=350]


Buying things isn’t the hard part

Given the sudden departure of Terry “I Did My Best” Semel as CEO of Yahoo, and the installment of Jerry Yang as the new chief executive, there’s a lot of attention being paid to the deal to acquire Rivals.com, the college sports site. It’s a nice deal to come out with after all the uncertainty, if only because the site actually has revenues — about $22-million a year, according to Yahoo — and therefore isn’t a complete Web 2.0 Hail Mary pass.

yahoo-hq-small.jpgThe New York Times story on the deal says that it is likely to help morale in the media division at Yahoo, whose future has been somewhat up in the air since Lloyd Braun left and the company said it no longer wanted to create its own content. But personally, I don’t find the deal all that interesting. I still think, like many others, that Yahoo needs something dramatic to really shift the focus of the company — something like a Facebook.com acquisition (although it will undoubtedly cost a lot more than the $1-billion Yahoo reportedly offered last year). Tony Hung at Deep Jive Interests asks “Where’s the peanut butter?”

Even if it did buy Facebook, however, I’m not convinced Yahoo would even know what to do with it. The company has bought social networks like Flickr and del.icio.us, but apart from doing some work on the back end to integrate them with Yahoo’s server farms, I fail to see what benefit the company has gotten from them. I think the bottom line is that Yahoo is just too safe, too tentative and too boring. It needs to blow itself up somehow.

For a great look at some more practical things Yahoo and Jerry Yang could do, have a read of Marc Andreesen’s tips on turning around a large company. Damn that Andreesen. Like my friend Paul Kedrosky, I find the fact that he continues to write such excellent blog posts irritating in the extreme.

Whistling past the graveyard?

From Mark Potts, who blogs at Recovering Journalist, comes a fantastic collection of quotes from the CEO of CareerBuilder, the job-listings site that is co-owned by a number of newspaper chains including McClatchy (the quotes come from a synopsis of the CEO’s comments at PaidContent). I know that CEOs are paid to talk tough and dismiss their competition, but this is a little much:

“I don’t think there’s a free model in the future… If CraigsList were trying to manage 2 million jobs and 22 million job seekers, it would be very difficult for them to match those two sides up. Quality is like beauty; it’s in the eye of the beholder.

Almost anyone who comes to our site is a quality applicant. It takes 200 engineers who are focused 24/7 on matching those 22 million applicants with the right employer. You don’t get that in a free business. It doesn’t impact our business today.”

Keep on whistling, friend.

Does Digg have 22 million visitors?

A blog written by a staffer at Compete — one of the half a dozen or so Web traffic analysis firms that are constantly jockeying for position — says that Digg has grown by about 1,400 per cent over the past year, and now has more than 22 million unique visitors. The company says that Facebook grew at about 88 per cent and has a little over 20 million uniques.

snipshot_e4i4×9918mj.jpgI have no doubt that Digg has been growing quickly — but 1,400 per cent? I find that difficult to believe. And I also find it difficult to believe that the site has more unique visitors than Facebook. Richard MacManus seems kind of skeptical too, and so do many of those who commented on Richard’s post — and with good reason. Why? Because all Web traffic measurement systems have flaws, and Compete is likely no different. Alexa apparently counts as a visit if a Javascript on someone’s blog pulls a button from Digg, which is ridiculous.

It appears that Compete tries to blend all of the various methods that firms such as comScore and Hitwise and Nielsen use, which include indexing data that comes from ISP logs, toolbars that people have to install, and user surveys (there’s a great overview of the issues involved in each of those methods in this BusinessWeek story). But the numbers that Compete has come up with seem awfully high to me.

Digg said last October that it had 20 million visitors. But if it has grown at 1,400 per cent, then shouldn’t that figure be a lot higher than just 22 million? And at the same time Digg said it had 20 million, comScore said it had less than one-tenth that many. The Web Metrics Guru, however, said in a post here that he believes the 20 million number was realistic.

I continue to agree with Matt Marshall’s post from awhile back: Web traffic analysis is broken, in a variety of ways. Numbers are unreliable at best. Caveat emptor rules.

Google needs to get with the program

Well, it happened again. I was going to write a blog post about the new Google Maps feature that lets users write reviews of businesses, but I left it too late and had to go off to a dinner thing, and by the time I got back that bugger Scott Karp had said the exact same thing that I was going to. I swear, if it isn’t him doing that then it’s Mike Masnick from Techdirt.com. If they weren’t such nice guys I would push them in front of a bus or something.

In any case, the point is well made by Scott: adding user reviews to Google Maps makes sense from a certain standpoint, since it adds value to the map info and adds another layer of content to (hopefully) provide stickiness. But it is also lacking any kind of social element, which is something that Yelp.com — or a similar Toronto service called OurFaves.com, which was started by my friend Candice Faktor — have in spades.

Why would someone want to contribute a review to Google Maps when there’s no community? And how is anyone supposed to judge the believability of the review when there’s no social context the way there is with Yelp and OurFaves.com? Someone said they didn’t like the “If you build it, they will come” mentality — they much preferred the “if they come, you should build it” approach.

Google seems to be leaning more towards the former than the latter, and Scott is right — building community and using social tools is not something they have proven to be particularly good at.

Andrew Dubber’s 20 things to know

I’m kind of glad that Andrew Dubber — a professor of music in Britain — got threatened by a record industry executive for writing about downloading on his blog, because otherwise I never would have come across his New Music Strategies blog and that would have been a shame. He posts a lot of smart things about the music industry, and his latest post is no exception: it’s called 20 Things You Must Know About Music Online, and while I usually hate the “10 Things” style of list, this one is a keeper. His list includes:

3. Opinion Leaders Rule: We know the importance of radio and press. There are now new opinion leaders who will tell your story with credibility. You need to find out who they are — or better yet, become one of them.

6. Web 2.0: Forget being a destination — become an environment. Let your customers tag and sort your catalogue. Open up for user-generated content. Your website is not a brochure — it’s a place where people gather and connect with you and with each other.

8. Cross-promote: Your online stuff is not a replacement for your offline stuff, and nor does it exist independently of it. Figure out how to make the two genuinely intersect.

11. The Death of Scarcity: Understand that the economics of the internet is fundamentally different to the economics of the world of shelves and limited stock. Know that you could give away 2 million copies of your record in order to sell a thousand.

20. Forget product — sell relationship: The old model of music business is dominated by the sale of an individual artefact for a set sum of money. iTunes is still completely old school. The new model is about starting an ongoing economic relationship with a community of fans.

I encourage you to read the entire thing.

Newspapers need to work with aggregators

Scott Karp at Publishing 2.0 has a great post about how newspapers can work with aggregators and the distributed ecosystem of the Web, instead of just moaning about how Google and Yahoo are stealing their business, as Tribune owner Sam Zell and others like to do from time to time. Scott nails it when he says that:

The problem that newspapers and other traditional media brands have is that they still see branding as a function of controlling the distribution channel, rather than branding each unit of content that must now live and survive on its own in a disaggregated online media ecosystem.

Using aggregators and search wisely can make a big difference, Scott points out, using the New York Times “Topics” pages as an example. Putting together pages of content that match what people are searching for is a good way of making the rest of your publishing entity that much more appealing. And Scott notes that this works for his site as well.

Publishing 2.0 gets 73% of its traffic from search and referring sites, which include aggregators like Techmeme. Some of my content is also syndicated in full text on Seeking Alpha, Yahoo, and Digital Media Wire (with links back to the site, which yield significant traffic) — this is anathema to the traditional media mindset.

But the result, he says, is that his RSS and email subscriptions keep growing, and so is his brand — by effectively leveraging search, and by giving his content away.