The Google case is a stew of technology, law, and politics

Note: This was originally written for the daily newsletter at the Columbia Journalism Review, where I am the chief digital writer

Two weeks ago, the House subcommittee on antitrust released a 400-plus page report detailing the anti-competitive practices of the four major digital platforms — Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook — and called for the Department of Justice (among others) to take action against them. And this week, the government did exactly that, filing a landmark antitrust case against Google, one the DoJ has reportedly been working on for some time. Depending on whom you ask, it is either a cravenly political gambit by Attorney General Bill Barr designed to make the Trump administration look tough, a legal quagmire that is significantly weaker than the 1998 Microsoft case and almost certain to fail, or a sign that the government is finally taking strong action to correct some of the blatant antitrust failures of the past two decades. It’s even possible that it may be all three of those things simultaneously.

What it is almost certain to be, if it survives the election (and there’s good reason to believe it will continue even if Joe Biden becomes president), is a full-employment program for antitrust lawyers both inside the DoJ and elsewhere. The Microsoft case generated work for thousands of lawyers for the more than five years it took to reach a conclusion. As a number of experts have pointed out since the Google case was filed, it also ended with a negotiated settlement and a series of fairly modest restrictions on Microsoft’s conduct, a deal the Justice Department was forced to reach after its proposed remedy — breaking of the company into two parts — was rejected by the courts. That said, however, some tech veterans believe the case was successful despite its weak conclusion, because it tied Microsoft up in legal knots, and made the company hyper-sensitive to criticism, and therefore leery of being too aggressive. This, ironically, helped the rise of a little company called Google.

Those who subscribe to the theory that the case was rushed out the door to make Trump look good point to reports before the indictment’s release that Barr was pressuring the DoJ to launch the case before the election, and some members of the staff there reportedly balked, saying it wasn’t ready. Barry Lynn, executive director of the Open Markets Institute, doesn’t buy this theory, however: he told CJR during a discussion on our Galley platform Wednesday that “it’s actually a very strong case, and a well-written case. So this was anything but a rush job”. Zephyr Teachout, a professor of law at Fordham University and a former Democratic candidate for governor of New York, said in a similar discussion that while she believes Barr “should be impeached, and I don’t trust him for a second”, the case is well-grounded, and should have been brought years ago. Both Lynn and Teachout said that despite the appearance of political divisions in the House report that preceded the Google case, there is more agreement than disagreement about the necessity for regulation.

Google, not surprisingly, disagrees. In a blog post, the company called the Justice Department’s case “deeply flawed”. Google said the money it pays Apple — estimated by the DoJ at between $8 billion and $12 billion a year — to make its search engine the default choice is similar to how cereal makers pay grocery chains for preferred locations on their store shelves. It’s an appealing analogy, but as antitrust expert Gary Reback noted, “It’s not just Google has a better shelf and its competitor is on the next shelf, it’s that Google has all the shelves and its competitor is in a different store in a bad neighborhood 400 miles away”. Analogies aside, Google and its defenders argue that the case is doomed to fail because the company provides its services for free, and people freely choose to use its search engine. Antitrust law for the past 40 years or so has been based around the concept of consumer harm, and it’s difficult to see how Google’s free services harm consumers in any tangible way.

In order to win their case, in other words, the government has to either convince the courts to ignore several decades of judicial precedent, or come up with a novel definition of consumer harm that covers what Google does. The closest it can probably get are the deals that the company makes with phone makers, where it forces them to install all of Google’s apps if they want to use its free Android operating system. But even that makes smartphones significantly cheaper than they otherwise would be, which looks a lot like a win for consumers, and therefore a tough argument for traditional antitrust. That’s a fairly slim branch to be hanging a landmark case on. But if experts are right about the lessons of the Microsoft case, it might be enough to just tie Google up for awhile, and make it less aggressive. And then we might see new competitors emerge in the same way Google did 25 years ago.

Here’s more on Google and antitrust:

What harm? Technology analyst Ben Thompson notes in his subscription newsletter Stratechery that the Google case suffers from the same problem that an antitrust action against Facebook would: both provide free services that are chosen willingly by users. “If I had to bet on an outcome, I would bet on Google winning”, he writes. “Apple and everyone else are free to enter into whatever contracts they wish, and consumers are free to undo the defaults that flow from those contracts. Where is the harm”? However, Thompson also says that even an unsuccessful case could lead to regulatory changes that might curb some of Google’s anti-competitive behavior.

Throwback: In a discussion on Galley after the House subcommittee held its last hearing with the chief executives of the four major platforms, CJR spoke with a number of experts on antitrust. They included Teachout, as well as David Dayen, executive editor of The American Prospect, Matt Stoller of the American Economic Liberties Project, and journalist Scott Rosenberg, technology editor at Axios. “A lot of the conduct that the members of Congress were appalled at was conduct that’s neither surprising nor illegal”, said Rosenberg. Sandeep Vaheesan, legal director at the Open Markets Institute, said the hearing “felt like a throwback to an earlier time when Congress took its oversight function and matters of market governance seriously”.

Weak: Technology writer Mike Masnick at Techdirt writes that one of the Justice Department’s central arguments, about Google paying Apple somewhere around $10 billion a year to be the default search engine, is one of its weakest examples. “The fact that Google’s deal alone is 15 to 20 percent of Apple’s revenue (and Apple makes a shit ton of money) alone seems damning to the underlying argument for the case”, he says. “If Google were a monopoly, then by any normal economic analysis, it would be driving down how much it pays because Apple would have nowhere to go”.

Strong: In contrast to the skeptics, legal analyst Herbert Hovenkamp, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, tells the New York Times that he thinks the Department of Justice is on fairly firm ground because it concentrates on exclusive deals like the Apple one, which theoretically restrict consumer choice and therefore produce harm. “The case looks narrow but fairly strong”, he said. “The focus on restrictive contracts by a dominant company is as old as the Sherman Act”, the document that started the modern tradition of antitrust law in 1890.

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