Hammer to Arrington: Please touch this

Tony Hung at Deep Jive Interests points out something I missed while wading through the small ocean of coverage on the TechCrunch40 conference: Mike Arrington is an angel investor in MC Hammer’s new startup, which is called DanceJam — a company he launched during the conference, where Hammer (real name Stanley Kirk Durell) was a member of the “panel of experts.”

I recall when Mike made the announcement that the 80’s dance star would be on the panel, there was much scoffing — by yours truly, among others. So did Mike invest in Hammer’s company before or after he was named to the panel, and before or after he knew that the company was going to launch at TechCrunch40? Just wondering. I’ve got an email in to Mike and I will let you know if and when I get a response.

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