Things get busy in Second Life

Herewith, a roundup of recent Second Life-related news events, as the virtual world continues to get more “real” (for better or worse):

  • The Economist has a long piece on Second Life, including a fascinating tale of a psychology professor who set up a place in Second Life where his students could experience something akin to schizophrenia firsthand.
  • Professor Charles Nesson of Harvard Law School recently held his first class in Second Life as part of an online-only course called “Law in the Court of Public Opinion.”
  • IBM recently held an alumni meeting on the island it owns in Second Life.
  • CNet has launched a presence in Second Life which consists of a virtual replica of the company’s offices in San Francisco, where the news agency says it plans to interview both real and virtual people.
  • A Swedish online dating company has made the natural leap from dating site with photos to Second Life dating world with avatars.
  • Scottish girl-rockers The Hedrons are the latest to put on a virtual gig inside Second Life.

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