New York Times comes under fire for agreeing to White House terms on Miller interview

Given the ongoing acrimonious relationship between the president and the media, it’s not surprising to see the Trump administration pushing back on almost all aspects of the traditional back-and-forth with the press. But what was surprising to many journalists on Tuesday was how quickly The New York Times seemed to accede to the demands of the White House around a recent interview with policy adviser Stephen Miller, the man many believe is responsible for the administration’s aggressive stance on separating immigrant families and running what amount to child internment camps at the border.

Michael Barbaro, the host of the newspaper’s podcast, The Daily, said at the beginning of the broadcast that he would be talking with a reporter about the recent story on Trump’s border policies, but wouldn’t be using audio of an interview with Miller as he had originally intended, because the White House objected. Almost immediately, the questions started flying: Wasn’t this an on-the-record interview? (Yes, it was). So why would it matter whether the Times quoted Miller’s words in a text article (as the paper did for its print story that ran on June 16) or used the audio of those words on a podcast, or both?

That question hung in the air until the paper’s PR department released a statement saying: “We conducted an extended White House interview with Stephen Miller for a weekend story about the Trump administration’s border policy. After the original story was published, producers of The Daily planned to talk with the reporter and use audio excerpts from the Miller interview. White House officials objected, saying that they had not agreed to a podcast interview. While Miller’s comments were on the record, we realized that the ground rules for the original interview were not clear, and so we made a decision not to run the audio.”

This explanation was not received warmly. “New York Times Caves To White House On Stephen Miller Interview,” blared a headline from HuffPost. Others bombarded the paper on Twitter. “Come on, @nytimes,” said one such criticism. “Release the on-the-record audio of the Stephen Miller interview. It is news, it is fit to print, and we deserve to hear it. Are you journalists or jellyfish? If you need backbone, maybe borrow some from The Washington Post.” Sarah Kenzior said the decision implied that “it’s more important to NYT to placate white supremacists than to speak the truth about the abuse of children.”

Others pointed out that Trump has not exactly been friendly towards the Times — in fact, he has repeatedly singled the newspaper out as “the failing New York Times” and accused it of being “fake news.” Given that, why would the Times be so eager to agree to the White House’s demands, especially when the interview was clearly on the record? Perhaps because the paper is worried about losing access to the Trump administration, and so is willing to eat a little crow. Is that a deal worth making? If the Times still had a public editor, that might make an interesting column, but the paper killed the job last year.

Here’s more on the Times and its controversial decision:

  • Appropriate: Contrary to much of the criticism of the Times, media writer Erik Wemple of the Washington Post said in a column that he understood why they made the decision, writing that “granting some deference to a White House headed by a serial liar doesn’t feel, or look, too good. But it embodies a level of caution appropriate for a news organization such as the Times.”
  • Trade-offs: Nate Silver, who runs the Five Thirty Eight blog, said on Twitter that the choice to agree to the administration’s demand was “a rather explicit acknowledgement by the NYT that it’s willing to make sacrifices to preserve its access to senior people within the White House. Is that access worth it? Maybe — they get a lot of scoops! But let’s not pretend there aren’t trade-offs.”
  • Not about access: Julie Davis, the reporter who did the Miller interview, said “I get the objections to what appears to be an after-the-fact revocation of an on-the-record agreement w Miller, but understand that @shearm & I never requested a podcast interview or permission to use audio.” She said the Times is “not in the business of misrepresenting ourselves to sources in the WH or anywhere else. It’s not about access or anything other than that.”
  • Discomfort: Michael Calderone, senior media reporter at Politico, said in a tweet that he has had conversations where he recorded the audio for accuracy rather than broadcast, and he could see holding back the Miller audio if it specifically violated a source agreement. “But the decision to hold back a clearly newsworthy recording is because it makes the White House uncomfortable?”
  • Mistake: Murdoch Davis, a veteran Canadian newspaper editor and publisher, said the Times decision to withhold the audio of the interview was a mistake. “It’s 2018. NYT isn’t just print media,” he said on Twitter. “Use of anything gathered in reporting – facts, quotes, photos, audio, video – can’t be subject to a newsmaker’s (or his bosses) subsequent misgivings. This is weak @nytimes deference to authority.”

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