Hey, thanks for dropping by — whoever you are. And all the best of the season to you and yours, from us and ours. “Us” is Becky and Mathew and Caitlin and Meaghan and Zoe Ingram. No longer the Calgary-based Ingrams, we have made the big trek back to the centre of the known universe in Toronto, where we have a lovely little house near the Rouge River, down by the lake — with a lovely view of the nuclear generating station.So since we’re way too disorganized to get actual paper Christmas cards out in time, this is an electronic Season’s greeting from our family to yours.
As we write this, we’ve just had a little bit of wintery weather — a rare event in Toronto this season, which has seen more double digit days than any other December in recent memory. It just doesn’t seem right to be putting up Christmas lights in a T-shirt. But the snow is already going. Maybe Santa will have to bring the ATV instead of the sleigh.

In case you haven’t seen them for awhile, here’s a review of where the kids are — and no, this won’t be one of those letters that talks about how Caitlin just got accepted into Harvard at the age of 12, or how Meaghan won a Rhodes scholarship, or Zoe danced Swan Lake in her Christmas pageant… although I should mention that Zoe recently became a magician’s assistant for a day at a Christmas party, out in the country at a tree farm, where we also went out into the field and cut down our magnificent Christmas tree. Caitlin spends a little too much time on MSN Messenger with her friends for our liking, but other than that is turning into quite the young lady (except for sometimes that is).
Meaghan is also growing up fairly quickly, but while she likes to wear a dress now and then, she also loves to do 8-year-old things like play with snakes like the ones they had at our company Christmas party, where the girls got to ride on a toy train and meet Santa. Zoe, meanwhile, is a bossy 3.5-year-old (no surprise there), and manages to get everyone in the house to do what she wants, even if they would rather not. She has made lots of friends at play school, and even won the award for Most Improved Play-doh Animal, a coveted… oops. Sorry about that.
There’s a few more pictures here if you want to have a look at them (go on — you know you want to). Or you can send an e-mail to Mathew at [email protected] or one to Becky at [email protected] or to Caitlin at [email protected] — you get the picture. Meaghan and Zoe might take a little while to respond, but don’t let that stop you.