A doctor writes about failing to diagnose her husband’s cancer

From Bess Stillman: “Much of the skill in being an ER doctor simply comes from practice: identifying who’s sick and who’s probably okay to nurse themselves at home is really the risk stratification of patients. And sometimes—because this is the nature of being a human being doing a job in a messy, chaotic world—I notice a symptom, and I misunderstand what it means. Early on, I didn’t notice enough about what turned out to be Jake’s cancer. So I’m left wondering: if I’d asked him to let me examine his tongue, instead of suggesting he not chew so quickly when he bit it for what seemed like the third time in a week, would the outcome be different? Was there a window of opportunity in August 2022, before the tumor invaded local nerves, when his first surgery might have been curative? Not acting sooner and pressing Jake to act sooner is the biggest error of my life.”

These beekeepers say you shouldn’t buy any more bees

From David Segal for the New York Times: “Gorazd Trusnovec and other beekeepers, as well as a broad variety of leading conservationists, have come to the conclusion that the craze for honey bees now presents a genuine ecological challenge. “If you overcrowd any space with honey bees, there is a competition for natural resources, and since bees have the largest numbers, they push out other pollinators, which actually harms biodiversity,” he said, after a recent visit to the B&B bees. “I would say that the best thing you could do for honey bees right now is not take up beekeeping.” It’s like Johnny Appleseed announcing, “Enough with the apples.” That’s a jarring message, because there is a widespread and now deeply rooted belief that the global population of honey bees has been running dangerously low for more than a decade and needs to be restored.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Why the creator of Calvin and Hobbes suddenly disappeared

From Nic Rowan for The American Conservative: “When Bill Watterson walked away from Calvin and Hobbes in 1995, he was exhausted. The comic strip had consumed ten years of his life, the latter half of which were spent fighting his syndicate for creative control and warring with himself as he fitfully came to realize that he had nothing left to say about a six-year-old boy and his stuffed tiger. And the decision couldn’t have come at a worse time: Calvin and Hobbes was at the height of its popularity. To quit then seemed like career suicide. It was suicide, the intentional, ritualistic sort. Watterson wasn’t just done with daily newspaper cartoons; he was finished with public life.”

The serial killer and the Texas mom who stopped him

With her husband Bart and their children Noelle and Mills on Christmas just after the abduction.

From Julie Miller for Vanity Fair: “It was nearing eight o’clock in the evening on December 11, 1981, and the serial killer Stephen Morin was driving the SUV of his latest captive, Margy Palm, north out of San Antonio. Morin’s reign of terror was sputtering to a clumsy close after a rare mistake earlier that day. He was suspected of the murder, torture, and in some cases rape of more than 30 women in 9 or 10 states—and most of San Antonio now knew that he was on the loose. Morin had pulled a .38 revolver on Margy six hours earlier as she reached her Chevy Suburban in the parking lot of a Kmart. Palm tells me that she didn’t try to fight or fleet: “I’ve never felt that kind of fear.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Prison can be a hostile place. And then the birds came

Barn Swallow - eBird

From Christopher Blackwell for The Appeal: “Last month, a tiny, colorful barn swallow and her partner began building a nest outside a window at the prison where I am incarcerated. The brightly colored birds worked diligently, assembling their nest one beakful of mud at a time. All the guys in my unit were immediately entranced by the glimpse of nature we so rarely get to experience. In prison, guys act tough and move carefully within a highly segregated environment. But once those birds planted themselves outside our window, those barriers melted away. The dayroom was packed, with guys from different gangs and races squeezing in together to observe the swallows at work. We watched their every move, pointing, laughing, and yelling like we were close friends.”

What’s the world’s oldest language? Experts disagree

Miguel Civil, 'most fluent person in Sumerian since 3000 B.C.,' 1926-2019 |  University of Chicago News

From Lucy Tu for Scientific American: “The globe hums with thousands of languages. But when did humans first lay out a structured system to communicate, one that was distinct to a particular area? Scientists are aware of more than 7,100 languages in use today. Nearly 40 percent of them are considered endangered, meaning they have a declining number of speakers and are at risk of dying out. Some languages are spoken by fewer than 1,000 people, while more than half of the world’s population uses one of just 23 tongues. Tracing the oldest language is “a deceptively complicated task,” says Danny Hieber. One way to identify a language’s origins is to find the point at which a single tongue with different dialects became two entirely distinct languages, such that people speaking those dialects could no longer understand each other.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Research shows that inflammation can lead to social media use

From Bert Gambini at the University of Buffalo: “Across three studies involving more than 1,800 participants, the findings — published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity — indicate that increased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which the liver makes in response to inflammation in the body, can promote social media use among middle-aged adults and college students. “It seems that inflammation not only increases social media use, but our results show preliminary evidence that it’s also associated with using social media to specifically interact with other users, like direct messaging and posting to people’s pages. Interestingly, inflammation did not lead people to use social media for other purposes—for example, entertainment purposes like watching funny videos,” says David Lee, PhD, the study’s first author.”

How an Anglican minister at the turn of the century became a leading butterfly researcher

The 2019 Butterfly Migration Could Bring More Monarchs To Mississippi

From Horatio Morpurgo for The London Magazine: “The Rev. Arthur Miles Moss may have been a minister of the faith, but his life was largely arranged around a consuming passion for the study of moths and butterflies. In Belém, north-eastern Brazil, shortly before the First World War, he grew ‘food plant’ for the caterpillars collected on his long-distance pastoral rounds. From 1912-45, Moss was vicar of the largest Anglican parish in the world, comprising most of the Amazon basin and sixty thousand miles of navigable waterway. He built an ‘experimental light station’ outside town, a 40ft tower from which lamps totalling 33,600 watts blazed at night into the surrounding countryside. A weather cock and thermometer enabled him to ‘take the wind & temperature on every occasion. He collected and recorded over 3,000 insects in this way.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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How a Picasso painting in the movie Titanic started a legal battle

From Dan Lewis at Now I Know: “James Cameron, the director and screenwriter of the movie Titanic, sets up Rose’s character as upper-upper class very early in the movie; when she first sees the ship, she comments that it’s not all that special, and when she first arrives in her stateroom board the ship, she hangs some art on the wall, as seen above. But that’s not just something she painted — it’s a masterpiece. The work Rose is holding is supposed to be “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” a famous oil painting by Pablo Picasso. The Spanish artist created the work in 1907, five years before the actual Titanic went down to the bottom of the Atlantic. Toward the end of the film, as just about everything on board makes its way to the ocean’s floor, moviegoers see Les Demoiselles d’Avignon similarly sink to a watery doom. And it turns out that Picasso’s heirs weren’t all too happy about that.”

How should the law treat people with dementia who commit crimes?

Dementia Behaviors: Expert Do's and Don'ts | A Place for Mom

From Jessica Wapner for Scientific American: “Some forms of dementia can trigger behaviors that society classifies as criminal. It’s not that these conditions create an intention to violate the law—most dementia-related violations are not what neurologists call “instrumental behaviors,” which are calculated in advance and executed according to a plan. Rather the radical changes in a person’s behavior and demeanor can erase their sense of social norms. They steal. They grope. They shout abusive language at fellow customers in the grocery store. Defendants with psychiatric illnesses may plead not guilty by reason of insanity, or they may insist they didn’t have conscious control over themselves—they were sleepwalking when they stole a candy bar, for example. There are no such protections for elderly people with cognitive disease.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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News blockade on digital platforms creates a vacuum of info on Canadian wildfires

Earlier this month, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, started blocking Canadian users from seeing news on its platforms. When a user tries to post a link to a news story on their Facebook or Instagram page, an error message pops up: “In response to Canadian government legislation, news content can’t be shared.” In June, Meta started blocking news links for a small number of users as a test; then, on August 1, it announced that the block would be broadened to include all users and all news sources. Meta said its action was necessitated by a law that the Canadian government passed in late June, called the Online News Act, aimed at forcing digital platforms to pay news publishers for their content. It is set to take effect at the end of the year. (Google also said that it would block news links from its Search and News portals, citing the same legislation, but a recent test by CJR brought up news links from multiple Canadian publishers, in both Search and News.)

In a statement in June, Meta described the new law as “flawed legislation that ignores the realities of how our platforms work [and] the value we provide news publishers.” Google said that it amounted to a “link tax,” and that it was fundamentally unworkable because it creates “uncertainty for our products and exposes us to uncapped financial liability.” Meta’s decision to block the news was a replay of a tactic that it used in Australia in 2021, in protest of a similar law called the News Media Bargaining Code. (Canada’s law was based on the Australian one, as I wrote back in March.) After the Australian government made a number of changes to the law, Meta removed the news block, and both it and Google started cutting deals with news publishers. (Last year, Bill Grueskin, a professor at Columbia Journalism School, dug into that process in a piece for CJR).

Note: This was originally published as an email newsletter for the Columbia Journalism Review, where I am the chief digital writer

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Indigenous people mined the uranium for the atomic bomb

NPTAC-NWTA-03 | Royal BC Museum and Archives

From Julie Salverson for Maisonneuve magazine: “Long ago, there was a famous rock called Somba Ke—“The Money Place”—on the eastern shore of Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. Loud noises came from this place and it was bad medicine to pass near it. In the old days, a group of caribou hunters camped at Somba Ke for a night. One of them, named Ehtséo Ayah, had a dream and saw many strange things: men with white faces climbing into a big hole in the ground, a great flying bird, a big stick dropped on people far away. This would happen sometime in the future, after we are all gone, the prophet said. In his vision, everyone died. Theresa Baton recounts this tale, recorded by the elder George Blondin, as we sit in her narrow, smoky trailer. She and her husband Peter are two of the few Dene grandparents left alive in Déline, an indigenous community of several hundred people in the Northwest Territories. Much of the uranium used in developing the atomic bombs dropped on Japan was from Great Bear Lake.”

At 105 years old, Irving Kahn still goes to work every day as an investment banker

From David Dudley at The Daily Beast: “The stock market is imploding, Europe is on the brink, and, if the doomsayers are to be believed, we could be headed for a double-dip recession. None of that worries Irving Kahn, perhaps the world’s oldest working investment banker. In 1928, at the age of 23, he went to work on Wall Street as a stock analyst and brokerage clerk. Until a few years ago, he took the bus or walked the 20 blocks from his Upper East Side home to his midtown office. “For a 105-year-old guy, it’s pretty remarkable,” says Thomas Kahn, Irving’s 68-year-old son and the company’s president. “I get tired just thinking about it.” Two of Kahn’s older sons have already retired. Perhaps his closest rival for the title of oldest person working in the securities industry was the financier Roy Neuberger, who passed away in 2010 at 107.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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A Russian journalist describes what it’s like to be poisoned

From Elena Kostyuchenko in n+1 magazine: “I spent March 30, the eve of our trip, in a hotel. I was trying to gather my strength. A colleague from Novaya called me. She asked me if I was going to Mariupol. I was puzzled: only two people from the paper knew I was going to Mariupol. She said, “My sources have gotten in touch with me. They know that you’re going to Mariupol. They say that the Kadyrovites have orders to find you.” The Kadyrovites, a Chechen subdivision of Rosgvardia, were actively engaged in the fighting around Mariupol. My colleague said, “They’re not planning to hold you. They are going to kill you. That’s been approved.” Forty minutes later, my source from Ukrainian military reconnaissance called me. He said, “We have information that an assassination of a female journalist from Novaya Gazeta is being organized in Ukraine.”

Could artificial intelligence help us communicate with animals?

From Kathryn Hulick for Science News: “Gašper Beguš is a linguist at the University of California, Berkeley. He got the chance, last summer, to observe sperm whales in their wild Caribbean habitat off the coast of the island nation of Dominica. With him were marine biologists and roboticists. There were also cryptographers and experts in other fields. All have been working together to listen to sperm whales and figure out what they might be saying. They call this Project CETI, which is short for Cetacean Translation Initiative. Project CETI has three listening stations. Each one is a cable hanging deep into the water from a buoy at the surface. Along the cable, several dozen underwater microphones record whale sounds. From the air, drones record video and sounds. Soft, fishlike robots do the same underwater. Suction-cup tags on the whales capture even more data.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Do insects feel joy and pain? Some scientists believe that they do

From Lars Chittka for Scientific American: “Researchers have shown that bees and some other insects are capable of intelligent behavior that no one thought possible when I was a student. Bees, for example, can count, grasp concepts of sameness and difference, learn complex tasks by observing others, and know their own individual body dimensions, a capacity associated with consciousness in humans. They also appear to experience both pleasure and pain. In other words, it now looks like at least some species of insects—and maybe all of them—are sentient. These discoveries raise fascinating questions about the origins of complex cognition. They also have far-reaching ethical implications for how we should treat insects in the laboratory and in the wild.”

The song everyone associates with Top Gun was written for a different movie

TOP GUN (1986) – AFI Movie Club | American Film Institute

From Colin Nagy for Why Is This Interesting: “I re-watched Top Gun on a flight recently with some pretty good headphones. For the first time, I paid close attention to the anthemic theme song that kicks off the credits. It has been embedded into every American brain from the time of first exposure, and reinforced recently with the second film, Maverick, where it was also used. Turns out the track wasn’t originally composed for Top Gun — it was originally composed for a dream sequence in the Chevy Chase movie Fletch. The story goes that while composer Harold Faltermeyer was working on the theme, it was overheard by Billy Idol, who was recording in the studio next door. “That’s great – you should use it for Top Gun,” Idol exclaimed.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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The man who became the court jester for the King of Tonga

From Maximilian Hess for The Fence: “Jesse Dean Bogdonoff has been many things – proponent of orthopaedic magnetism, star financier, solar installation salesman, spiritual explorer, alleged fraudster, Buddhist devotee and saxophonist. But the peak of his fame came in 1999, when he was appointed to the Tongan royal court – as its jester. Tonga is a distant and unfamiliar place. In December 2021, it was the site of the largest volcanic eruption in the world since at least 1883. When Tonga has made the headlines, it has typically been for the eccentricities of its kings. In 1976, the Guinness Book of World Records named Taufaʻahau Tupou IV the world’s heaviest monarch at a redoubtable 209 kg. His son, Prince Siaosi, made headlines for his aspirations as a film-maker, musicologist, and communications developer.”

Think you’re a good person? That’s up to the Cart Narc and his camera

From Nate Rogers for The Ringer: “Sebastian Davis, a boyish 42-year-old better known as “Agent Sebastian” in his Cart Narcs videos, was dressed like he was going to war. He was wrapped in an actual bulletproof vest (a gift sent by one of his many fans—this one a cop in Louisiana), with a red patch reading “CART NARCS” across his chest, just above a strapped-in GoPro. He carried an orange baton, like one an airport worker would use guiding a plane out of its gate. And he was in Nike Free Runs, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice, light up his voice-siren alert (a deliberately obnoxious variation on the buoy-weep that police will use to pull someone over), and deploy his catchphrase: “That’s not where the cart goes!”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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What Amanda Knox says she learned while she was in prison

Amanda Knox writes: “In 2007, I was studying abroad in Perugia, Italy. I had been there for five weeks, my eyes wide with the excitement of navigating a foreign culture, my heart aflutter over a nerdy boy I’d met at a classical music recital. It all seemed like a glorious dream, until it became a nightmare. On November 1, a local burglar named Rudy Guede broke into the apartment I shared with three other young women, two Italian law interns and a British exchange student named Meredith Kercher. Meredith was the only one home that night. Rudy Guede raped her, stabbed her to death, and then fled the country to Germany. A week later, I was in jail, charged with Meredith’s murder. Two years later, I was convicted and sentenced to 26 years in prison. I went on to win my appeal and in 2011 I was acquitted, after four years of being incarcerated.”

The British poet Lord Byron once tried to buy a twelve-year-old girl

Lord Byron's Maid of Athens

From Emily Zarevich for JSTOR Daily: “The real lives of the writers of the Romantic era aren’t always as charming as they might seem. Mary Shelley and her husband, Percy, violated her mother’s gravesite, John Keats provoked petty fights at dinner parties, and everyone accepted a depressed, suicidal teenager as their idol. Add to this a bizarre and uncomfortable episode in the life of the poet Lord Byron that often gets glossed over in admiring biographies: the time he tried to buy a twelve-year-old girl. It happened in Greece, far away from his native England. While doing the Grand Tour, Byron attempted to collect more than just material for his epic poem Childe Harold. He was a lodger in the home of Athens landlady Tasia Makri. While living under her roof, he became infatuated with her twelve-year-old daughter, Teresa.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Ice harvesting used to be a multimillion-dollar industry

From Akanksha Singh for JSTOR Daily: “Before ice dispensed at the press of a button or the twist of an ice cube tray, ice was a luxury. An iced drink was indicative of wealth, and the ice industry was a multi-million-dollar employer. Norway—a hub for natural ice—exported one million tons of it per year. The US market overshadowed that effort manifold. At its peak in the nineteenth century, an estimated 90,000 people and 25,000 horses were involved in the natural ice trade in the States. In fact, such was the demand for American ice in London at one point, Lake Oppegård in Norway was rechristened “Wenham Lake” (after a lake in a Massachusetts town) to compete with American ice imports in England. By 1856, American ice was shipped to South America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia and Australia, the Persian Gulf, and its biggest market–India.”

Why you should stop putting plastic in the microwave

What Raw Materials are Used to Make Plastic?

From Celia Ford for Wired: “In a study published in June in Environmental Science & Technology, Kazi Hussain and his colleagues reported that, when microwaved, plastic containers released millions of bits of plastic, called microplastics, and even tinier nanoplastics. Plastics are complex cocktails of long chains of carbon, called polymers, mixed in with chemical additives, small molecules that help mold the polymers into their final shape and imbue them with resistance to oxidation, UV exposure, and other wear and tear. Microwaving delivers a double whammy: heat and hydrolysis, a chemical reaction through which bonds are broken by water molecules. All of these can cause a container to crack and shed tiny bits of itself as microplastics, nanoplastics, and leachates, toxic chemical components of the plastic. The human health effects of plastic exposure are unclear, but scientists have suspected for years that they aren’t good.”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Q&A: If a journalist downloads a video stream, have they committed a crime?

In May, agents from the FBI arrived at Tim Burke’s home and seized several computers, hard drives, his cellphone, and other equipment that he uses as a freelance journalist. The reason for the seizure is unknown, because the affidavit that the Department of Justice used to get a search warrant remains sealed, but Mark Rasch — Burke’s lawyer, and a former staffer in DoJ’s fraud unit — believes it has something to do with video clips from a Fox News broadcast that Burke acquired through completely legal means. Burke is a former video director at The Daily Beast, and his specialty is finding and analyzing video streams to find newsworthy content. Rasch has filed a motion to compel the government to return Burke’s computers and all the material seized, and to unseal the affidavit, so that Burke and his defense lawyer can see what the government’s case is based on. Rasch spoke with me on Tuesday about the implications of the case for journalists (our conversation has been edited for clarity and length).

CJR: Hi Mark — I’ve read most of the press coverage of this case in the Tampa Bay Times and the Washington Post and at Techdirt, and I’ve read the various filings you’ve made with the court as well, but I’m still a little unclear on why this happened to Tim, and what the legal rationale and repercussions are. Can you explain that a bit?

Mark Rasch: So there’s a journalism part of this, and then there’s a technology part of this. Part of it is the question of who is a journalist, and what protections does a journalist have? It’s entirely possible that the government did not think of Timothy Burke as a journalist because he operates primarily in the digital environment. And therefore, all of the protections that are afforded to journalists may not have been afforded to Tim. There’s an entire approval process that is required before you can get a search warrant for a journalist, but there isn’t if it’s not a journalist.

CJR: What kind of approval process? I thought the First Amendment protected everyone, regardless of whether they are officially a journalist or not.

MR: The First Amendment does protect everyone, but there are special protections for journalists who gather information for the purpose of disseminating that information to the public. This all arose out of a Supreme Court case called Zercher versus Stanford Daily Press. In that case, the student newspaper at Stanford was covering a protest and they took photographs, and a number of police officers were injured, so they were interested in getting photos so they could prosecute the people who injured the police officers. And they got a search warrant to search the offices of the Stanford Daily Press for photographs. In response to that, Congress passed something called the Privacy Protection Act, which makes it illegal to do those kind of searches on a journalist, unless the government believes that the journalist committed an illegal act of some kind.

Note: This was originally published as an email newsletter for the Columbia Journalism Review, where I am the chief digital writer

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This World War Two spy faked his own death for 36 years

From Becky Little for History.com: “After World War II, a critical MI5 spy named Juan Pujol Garcia faked his own death, and kept it secret for almost four decades. And that’s not even the most interesting thing about him. Pujol was a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, and when Britain went to war with Germany in 1939, he was determined to join the British war effort as a spy against Germany; so determined that he wasn’t deterred when British officers turned him down because he didn’t have any connections or credentials. Posing as a Spanish official who was flying to London, Pujol made contact with Nazi officials in Madrid and told them that he was interested in spying on Britain for the Third Reich. After that, he began sending the Nazis fabricated information that they thought was from London, but which was actually fed from Lisbon and Madrid. Essentially, Pujol became a rogue double-agent whom Britain didn’t even know it had.”

On the trail of the guerrilla programmer who is archiving the Internet

From Jani Patokallio at Gyrovague: “Do you like reading articles in publications like Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal or the Economist, but can’t afford to pay what can be hundreds of dollars a year in subscriptions? If so, you may have already stumbled on archive.today, which provides easy access to these and much more: just paste in the article link, and you’ll get back a snapshot of the page, full content included. For a long time, I assumed that this was some kind of third-party skin on top of the venerable Internet Archive, whose Wayback Machine provides a very similar service, at the very similar address archive.org. But the Internet Archive is a legitimate non-profit with a budget of $37 million and 169 full-time employees in 2019. Archive.today, by contrast, is an opaque mystery. So who runs this and where did they come from?”

Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.

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Covering Elon Musk raises some of the same questions that covering Trump did

Do journalists need to change the way we write about Elon Musk? Casey Newton, who writes the Platformer newsletter, is among those who think that we do. Musk’s behavior as the owner and (until recently) CEO of X, the company formerly known as Twitter, may have started out  mesmerizing, like a multi-car pileup on the freeway, but at some point, his penchant for making statements and promises that are not only untrue, but will likely never become true, raises questions about how we should cover him. To take just one recent example cited by Newton, Musk bragged about a proposed martial-arts fight with Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Meta. Musk promised that the fight would be live-streamed on X, with the proceeds going to charity; he also hinted that the fight might take place at the Colosseum, in Rome. Behind the scenes, however, Musk reportedly ignored attempts to book a time for the fight, then said he needed more time, and might need surgery.

A grudge match between Zuckerberg and Musk is the kind of thing that gets played for laughs, but other examples of the growing gap between Musk’s statements and the truth have been more serious. Despite Musk’s claim that he is a free speech maximalist, earlier this month, X launched a lawsuit against the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a research group that investigated hate speech on the platform and found that it has been increasing. X alleges that the researchers violated the platform’s terms of service in a “scare campaign to drive away advertisers.” The suit also claims that the center “engaged in a series of unlawful acts designed to improperly gain access to protected X Corp. data,” as well as breach of contract, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, intentional interference with contractual relations, and inducing breach of contract. (In turn, Imran Ahmed, the center’s CEO, accused Musk of “a brazen attempt to silence honest criticism and independent research.”)

To take another example, Musk said in February that X would start sharing ad revenue with creators on the platform. This promise generated some favorable coverage from business and technology journalists. As Newton notes, however, after sending a small number of creators a single payment last month, X announced that too many creators had applied and that it had thus decided to delay the rollout of the plan indefinitely. Then, over the weekend, after a NASCAR driver was suspended for liking a post that made fun of the police killing of George Floydin 2020, Musk promised to pay the legal bills of anyone whose employer has “unfairly treated” them as a consequence of their activity on X. But many observers are skeptical that this will ever happen. “Given that Musk won’t even pay his own vendors,” Newton wrote, “it strains credulity that he would file unlimited lawsuits” to defend ordinary users from attack. (And Musk, reportedly, has also fired a number of employees for criticizing him.)

Note: This was originally published as an email newsletter for the Columbia Journalism Review, where I am the chief digital writer

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