Speaking of cash machines…

I guess I have money on the brain (see my previous post about Craigslist as a cash machine). Courtesy of I Want Media, I came across a story from Marketwatch about how Google could wind up with more than one-quarter of all the online ad spending in the United States this year.

google profits

According to the story, eMarketer estimates Google will wind up with revenue of $4-billion this year, which would be 25 per cent of the estimated $16-billion online ad market. That would also represent a revenue jump of about 65 per cent. Not bad. Another interesting point in the report is how Google continues to pull away from Yahoo in the online ad race:

In 2005, Yahoo and Google had virtually the same amount of U.S. ad revenues. Yet by the end of 2006, Google is expected to pocket almost twice the amount of U.S. ad revenues as Yahoo, according to the new eMarketer report.

Yahoo will see revenue growth of just 17.5 per cent, according to the eMarketer analysis, which is here. Of course, Google already has about 50 per cent of the paid search advertising market, while Yahoo’s share has been slipping.

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