Great conversation at Third Tuesday

Just a quick note to say thanks to Ed Lee and David Jones of Fleishman-Hillard, and Joe Thornley of Thornley Fallis, for inviting me to speak at Third Tuesday — the PR/blogger meetup thing in Toronto that is loosely based on the Third Thursday get-togethers in San Francisco (more info here).

We had a great crowd out at the Spoke Club, and lots of interesting questions about bloggers vs. journalists and how to deal with them, how to convince companies that they should have (or at least pay attention to) blogs, and how Edelman dropped the ball with its recent abortive Wal-Mart blogging campaign.

third tuesday

It was a great example of the real-world version of the thing we all keep talking about online: that is, a conversation. I could have stuck around talking for even longer with some of the people who dropped by, but my knees were giving out. Oh, and I hope someone eventually settled the bill 🙂


Ed has some thoughts on the evening here, and is glad I didn’t single him out as giving a bad pitch when that question came up (now you owe me, Ed). Joe has a nice summary here and the inimitable Michael O’Connor Clarke has also written about some of his impressions of the evening.

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