I think journalism itself is a dated concept. We are now in the world of conversation. We are talking to ourselves. John Heilemann said it best in his recent column in NY Magazine about Murdoch’s designs on the WSJ:
Did anybody at Dow Jones ever contemplate purchasing MySpace? Did
Arthur Sulzberger or Don Graham? I don’t know, but I’d wager they
didn’t even know what MySpace was. The obvious retort is, Why should
they have? What does social networking have to do with journalism? And,
no doubt, a precise answer is hard to conjure. But if you don’t believe
that the intermingling of these spheres will be central to how future
generations consume their news, you’ve apparently been sleeping—and
clearly don’t have kids.
The intermingling of these spheres will be HOW future generations comsume their news. Period. End of story. I learn stuff on Twitter every day that is more profound than many of the blogs I read.