From Links I Would Gchat You: “Tom Anderson, in the cultural imagination, is the tech bro that got away. He’s a foil to the Musks and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world, the exception that proves their rule isn’t that great. Just take a scroll through Myspace Tom’s assorted feeds, all ironically housed on the social platforms that usurped his influence, and observe the rare, precious sight of a very rich man contentedly minding his own damn business. Since stepping away from the limelight, Anderson golfs. He takes lavish international vacations. He pals around with former “Amazing Race” contestants. Anderson always made something of an oddball founder — a product of Los Angeles, he reportedly hacked Chase Bank not to steal money, but to level-up his code. He later studied English at Berkeley and attended film school in LA.”
A military base in the Korean DMZ has a par-3 golf hole in the middle of a minefield

From Wikipedia: “Camp Bonifas is home to the United Nations Command Security Battalion-Joint Security Area, whose primary mission is to monitor and enforce the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953 between North and South Korea. Republic of Korea and United States Forces Korea soldiers conduct the United Nations Command DMZ Orientation Program tours of the JSA and surrounding areas. The camp has a gift shop which sells DMZ- and JSA-related souvenirs. The camp was formerly known as Camp Kitty Hawk. Access to the Neutral Nations Monitors (Sweden and Switzerland), on Camp Swiss-Swede, was through Camp Bonifas. There is a par 3 one-hole “golf course” at the camp which includes an AstroTurf green and is surrounded on three sides by minefields. Sports Illustrated called it the most dangerous hole in golf and there are reports that at least one errant shot detonated a land mine.”
Note: This is a version of my When The Going Gets Weird newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
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