The cottage at night

Links that interest me and maybe you
In 2018, a new European law called the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, took effect. With the stroke of a pen, a host of common online practices—used by everyone, from big tech companies like Google to small web publishers, for everything, from showing popup ads to requiring an email address to enter a website—suddenly became illegal in the European Union, or at least heavily regulated. Consent was required before any personal information could be collected or used—and the EU’s definition of personal information was considerably broader than the US definition. Elizabeth Denham, the information commissioner for the UK, called the GDPR “the biggest change to data protection law for a generation.” Others were less diplomatic: one critic described the law as a “clunky bureaucracy” and a regulatory minefield that shackled businesses with “unnecessary red tape.”
If tech platforms thought that the GDPR was the end of their problems in the EU, they were mistaken: the law was only the lip of a wave of European regulatory activity aimed at the online world, and specifically the behavior of digital giants like Meta, Google, and Apple. These new laws have targeted everything from alleged anti-competitive practices to the ways in which personal data is used to customize search results and news feeds. Brian Wieser, a technology analyst and former investment banker, told the Wall Street Journal recently that the laws are a “Glass-Steagall moment for big tech,” a reference to a Depression-era law that supporters believe was instrumental in reining in anti-competitive behavior by banks. As a result, Wieser said, tech platforms are going from “effectively no regulation to heavy regulation.”
Unlike the GDPR, which targeted all online activity, the new European laws are focused primarily on the largest digital platforms and services. Two of the most significant new regulations are the Digital Services Act, or DSA, and the Digital Markets Act, or DMA. Under the former, which governs everything from the removal of illegal or harmful content to the retention of personal user data, any time a service such as Facebook removes content, they have to file that decision with the EU, as part of a public database. Platforms with more than forty-five million users in the EU—a figure equivalent to roughly 10 percent of the bloc’s population—are subject to the highest level of regulation. (The EU has listed nineteen companies covered by the Act but there is still debate as to who should be included; according to the Associated Press, some EU insiders have pointed to notable omissions such as eBay, Airbnb, Netflix, and even PornHub.) TikTok, which is on the list, said earlier this month that users in the EU will soon be able to turn off the service’s recommendation algorithm, because, under the DSA, users have the right to refuse any feature that relies on personal data-tracking. Likewise, Meta has said that EU users of Facebook and Instagram will be allowed to opt out of their algorithmic news feeds.
Note: This was originally published as an email newsletter for the Columbia Journalism Review, where I am the chief digital writer
Continue reading “European regulatory vise tightens around digital platforms”From Jesse Hyde for Town and Country: “The heist had been planned for months. They had run through the scenarios, studied the streets and bridges and tunnels, scouted the escape routes, purchased the burner phones, and secured the getaway cars. Most important, they had uncovered secrets about the museum. It was November 25, 2019, in Dresden, Germany. The night was dark and cold, the air carrying the musky scent of the nearby Elbe River. Three centuries earlier, Augustus the Strong had built his palace on the banks of the river and stuffed it full of jewels: mother-of-pearl goblets, gilded ostrich eggs, coconuts inlaid with gemstones, and knives of gold etched with wild boars and the heads of lions. Rooms and rooms of sapphires, emeralds, and rubies. By 1723, Augustus, the Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, had turned part of his Dresden castle into a museum, one of the first in Europe. He named it the Green Vault.”
From Linda Geddes for The Guardian: “Scientific interest in vagus nerve stimulation is exploding, with studies investigating it as a potential treatment for everything from obesity to depression, arthritis and Covid-related fatigue. So, what exactly is the vagus nerve, and is all this hype warranted? The vagus nerve is, in fact, a pair of nerves that serve as a two-way communication channel between the brain and the heart, lungs and abdominal organs, plus structures such as the oesophagus and voice box, helping to control involuntary processes, including breathing, heart rate, digestion and immune responses. They are also an important part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which governs the “rest and digest” processes, and relaxes the body after periods of stress or danger that activate our sympathetic “fight or flight” responses.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “The real story behind the great Green Vault jewelery heist”From Andy Greenberg at Wired: “Since war first broke out broke out between Ukraine and Russia in 2014, Russian hackers have used some of the most sophisticated hacking techniques ever seen in the wild to destroy Ukrainian networks, disrupt the country’s satellite communications, and even trigger blackouts for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens. But the mysterious saboteurs who have, over the past two days, disrupted Poland’s railway system appear to have used a far less impressive form of technical mischief: Spoof a simple radio command to the trains that triggers their emergency stop function. On August 25 and 26, more than 20 of Poland’s trains carrying both freight and passengers were brought to a halt across the country. The saboteurs reportedly interspersed the commands they used to stop the trains with the Russian national anthem and parts of a speech by Vladimir Putin.
From Sarah Dolezal for JSTOR Daily: “From the trenches of the Antebellum South, enslaved potter David Drake (ca. 1801-1874), otherwise known as “Dave the Potter,” constructed hundreds if not thousands of functional pots while working on plantations and in factories in Edgefield, South Carolina, a region now famous for its ceramics. Dave was heralded for his enormous storage jars and for writing on his pots. Most of the potters at this time, those who were enslaved as well as the white laborers who were not, did not inscribe or mark their work in any identifying way. Dave was different. He signed his name on the walls of his pots. He engraved markings, for example, such as forward slashes and circled X’s that may have been a way to keep inventory, or that hearkened to ancestral roots. Dave also wrote dates, the location where he fashioned the pots, lines of poetry, and Christian proverbs. All of these practices set him apart.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “The cheap radio hack that disrupted Poland’s railway system”From Bess Stillman: “Much of the skill in being an ER doctor simply comes from practice: identifying who’s sick and who’s probably okay to nurse themselves at home is really the risk stratification of patients. And sometimes—because this is the nature of being a human being doing a job in a messy, chaotic world—I notice a symptom, and I misunderstand what it means. Early on, I didn’t notice enough about what turned out to be Jake’s cancer. So I’m left wondering: if I’d asked him to let me examine his tongue, instead of suggesting he not chew so quickly when he bit it for what seemed like the third time in a week, would the outcome be different? Was there a window of opportunity in August 2022, before the tumor invaded local nerves, when his first surgery might have been curative? Not acting sooner and pressing Jake to act sooner is the biggest error of my life.”
From David Segal for the New York Times: “Gorazd Trusnovec and other beekeepers, as well as a broad variety of leading conservationists, have come to the conclusion that the craze for honey bees now presents a genuine ecological challenge. “If you overcrowd any space with honey bees, there is a competition for natural resources, and since bees have the largest numbers, they push out other pollinators, which actually harms biodiversity,” he said, after a recent visit to the B&B bees. “I would say that the best thing you could do for honey bees right now is not take up beekeeping.” It’s like Johnny Appleseed announcing, “Enough with the apples.” That’s a jarring message, because there is a widespread and now deeply rooted belief that the global population of honey bees has been running dangerously low for more than a decade and needs to be restored.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “A doctor writes about failing to diagnose her husband’s cancer”From Nic Rowan for The American Conservative: “When Bill Watterson walked away from Calvin and Hobbes in 1995, he was exhausted. The comic strip had consumed ten years of his life, the latter half of which were spent fighting his syndicate for creative control and warring with himself as he fitfully came to realize that he had nothing left to say about a six-year-old boy and his stuffed tiger. And the decision couldn’t have come at a worse time: Calvin and Hobbes was at the height of its popularity. To quit then seemed like career suicide. It was suicide, the intentional, ritualistic sort. Watterson wasn’t just done with daily newspaper cartoons; he was finished with public life.”
From Julie Miller for Vanity Fair: “It was nearing eight o’clock in the evening on December 11, 1981, and the serial killer Stephen Morin was driving the SUV of his latest captive, Margy Palm, north out of San Antonio. Morin’s reign of terror was sputtering to a clumsy close after a rare mistake earlier that day. He was suspected of the murder, torture, and in some cases rape of more than 30 women in 9 or 10 states—and most of San Antonio now knew that he was on the loose. Morin had pulled a .38 revolver on Margy six hours earlier as she reached her Chevy Suburban in the parking lot of a Kmart. Palm tells me that she didn’t try to fight or fleet: “I’ve never felt that kind of fear.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “Why the creator of Calvin and Hobbes suddenly disappeared”From Christopher Blackwell for The Appeal: “Last month, a tiny, colorful barn swallow and her partner began building a nest outside a window at the prison where I am incarcerated. The brightly colored birds worked diligently, assembling their nest one beakful of mud at a time. All the guys in my unit were immediately entranced by the glimpse of nature we so rarely get to experience. In prison, guys act tough and move carefully within a highly segregated environment. But once those birds planted themselves outside our window, those barriers melted away. The dayroom was packed, with guys from different gangs and races squeezing in together to observe the swallows at work. We watched their every move, pointing, laughing, and yelling like we were close friends.”
From Lucy Tu for Scientific American: “The globe hums with thousands of languages. But when did humans first lay out a structured system to communicate, one that was distinct to a particular area? Scientists are aware of more than 7,100 languages in use today. Nearly 40 percent of them are considered endangered, meaning they have a declining number of speakers and are at risk of dying out. Some languages are spoken by fewer than 1,000 people, while more than half of the world’s population uses one of just 23 tongues. Tracing the oldest language is “a deceptively complicated task,” says Danny Hieber. One way to identify a language’s origins is to find the point at which a single tongue with different dialects became two entirely distinct languages, such that people speaking those dialects could no longer understand each other.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “Prison can be a hostile place. And then the birds came”From Bert Gambini at the University of Buffalo: “Across three studies involving more than 1,800 participants, the findings — published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity — indicate that increased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which the liver makes in response to inflammation in the body, can promote social media use among middle-aged adults and college students. “It seems that inflammation not only increases social media use, but our results show preliminary evidence that it’s also associated with using social media to specifically interact with other users, like direct messaging and posting to people’s pages. Interestingly, inflammation did not lead people to use social media for other purposes—for example, entertainment purposes like watching funny videos,” says David Lee, PhD, the study’s first author.”
From Horatio Morpurgo for The London Magazine: “The Rev. Arthur Miles Moss may have been a minister of the faith, but his life was largely arranged around a consuming passion for the study of moths and butterflies. In Belém, north-eastern Brazil, shortly before the First World War, he grew ‘food plant’ for the caterpillars collected on his long-distance pastoral rounds. From 1912-45, Moss was vicar of the largest Anglican parish in the world, comprising most of the Amazon basin and sixty thousand miles of navigable waterway. He built an ‘experimental light station’ outside town, a 40ft tower from which lamps totalling 33,600 watts blazed at night into the surrounding countryside. A weather cock and thermometer enabled him to ‘take the wind & temperature on every occasion. He collected and recorded over 3,000 insects in this way.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “Research shows that inflammation can lead to social media use”From Dan Lewis at Now I Know: “James Cameron, the director and screenwriter of the movie Titanic, sets up Rose’s character as upper-upper class very early in the movie; when she first sees the ship, she comments that it’s not all that special, and when she first arrives in her stateroom board the ship, she hangs some art on the wall, as seen above. But that’s not just something she painted — it’s a masterpiece. The work Rose is holding is supposed to be “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” a famous oil painting by Pablo Picasso. The Spanish artist created the work in 1907, five years before the actual Titanic went down to the bottom of the Atlantic. Toward the end of the film, as just about everything on board makes its way to the ocean’s floor, moviegoers see Les Demoiselles d’Avignon similarly sink to a watery doom. And it turns out that Picasso’s heirs weren’t all too happy about that.”
From Jessica Wapner for Scientific American: “Some forms of dementia can trigger behaviors that society classifies as criminal. It’s not that these conditions create an intention to violate the law—most dementia-related violations are not what neurologists call “instrumental behaviors,” which are calculated in advance and executed according to a plan. Rather the radical changes in a person’s behavior and demeanor can erase their sense of social norms. They steal. They grope. They shout abusive language at fellow customers in the grocery store. Defendants with psychiatric illnesses may plead not guilty by reason of insanity, or they may insist they didn’t have conscious control over themselves—they were sleepwalking when they stole a candy bar, for example. There are no such protections for elderly people with cognitive disease.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “How a Picasso painting in the movie Titanic started a legal battle”Earlier this month, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, started blocking Canadian users from seeing news on its platforms. When a user tries to post a link to a news story on their Facebook or Instagram page, an error message pops up: “In response to Canadian government legislation, news content can’t be shared.” In June, Meta started blocking news links for a small number of users as a test; then, on August 1, it announced that the block would be broadened to include all users and all news sources. Meta said its action was necessitated by a law that the Canadian government passed in late June, called the Online News Act, aimed at forcing digital platforms to pay news publishers for their content. It is set to take effect at the end of the year. (Google also said that it would block news links from its Search and News portals, citing the same legislation, but a recent test by CJR brought up news links from multiple Canadian publishers, in both Search and News.)
In a statement in June, Meta described the new law as “flawed legislation that ignores the realities of how our platforms work [and] the value we provide news publishers.” Google said that it amounted to a “link tax,” and that it was fundamentally unworkable because it creates “uncertainty for our products and exposes us to uncapped financial liability.” Meta’s decision to block the news was a replay of a tactic that it used in Australia in 2021, in protest of a similar law called the News Media Bargaining Code. (Canada’s law was based on the Australian one, as I wrote back in March.) After the Australian government made a number of changes to the law, Meta removed the news block, and both it and Google started cutting deals with news publishers. (Last year, Bill Grueskin, a professor at Columbia Journalism School, dug into that process in a piece for CJR).
Note: This was originally published as an email newsletter for the Columbia Journalism Review, where I am the chief digital writer
Continue reading “News blockade on digital platforms creates a vacuum of info on Canadian wildfires”From Julie Salverson for Maisonneuve magazine: “Long ago, there was a famous rock called Somba Ke—“The Money Place”—on the eastern shore of Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. Loud noises came from this place and it was bad medicine to pass near it. In the old days, a group of caribou hunters camped at Somba Ke for a night. One of them, named Ehtséo Ayah, had a dream and saw many strange things: men with white faces climbing into a big hole in the ground, a great flying bird, a big stick dropped on people far away. This would happen sometime in the future, after we are all gone, the prophet said. In his vision, everyone died. Theresa Baton recounts this tale, recorded by the elder George Blondin, as we sit in her narrow, smoky trailer. She and her husband Peter are two of the few Dene grandparents left alive in Déline, an indigenous community of several hundred people in the Northwest Territories. Much of the uranium used in developing the atomic bombs dropped on Japan was from Great Bear Lake.”
From David Dudley at The Daily Beast: “The stock market is imploding, Europe is on the brink, and, if the doomsayers are to be believed, we could be headed for a double-dip recession. None of that worries Irving Kahn, perhaps the world’s oldest working investment banker. In 1928, at the age of 23, he went to work on Wall Street as a stock analyst and brokerage clerk. Until a few years ago, he took the bus or walked the 20 blocks from his Upper East Side home to his midtown office. “For a 105-year-old guy, it’s pretty remarkable,” says Thomas Kahn, Irving’s 68-year-old son and the company’s president. “I get tired just thinking about it.” Two of Kahn’s older sons have already retired. Perhaps his closest rival for the title of oldest person working in the securities industry was the financier Roy Neuberger, who passed away in 2010 at 107.”
Note: This is a version of my personal newsletter, which I send out via Ghost, the open-source publishing platform. You can see other issues and sign up here.
Continue reading “Indigenous people mined the uranium for the atomic bomb”