I realize it’s entirely possible that virtually no one will read this post. I have been a very bad blogger recently, and wouldn’t be surprised if most people have given up on it. I would dearly love to be writing more, but just never seem to find the time.
I blame two things — one being my new(ish) job as the Globe and Mail’s online Communities Editor, which has sucked up a lot of my free time, and the other being Twitter, which makes it so seductively easy to post quick thoughts rather than taking the time to think about and write a longer post.
As I lie here in the hammock at the family cottage up in the Ottawa Valley, I would like to think that some day I will be able to get back to writing more regularly (other than the posts I’ve been doing for the Nieman Journalism blog, which have also been few and far between lately). But I can’t promise anything.
In the meantime, please feel free to follow me on Twitter (I’m @mathewi) and start up a conversation about new media, technology, journalism or pretty much anything else.