I know, you’re probably kicking yourself for missing the latest mesh meetup — a social event aimed at poli-bloggers and various other hangers-on, fellow travelers, etc. that we had last night at the Charlotte Room. And so you should, because we had a great time without you đŸ™‚
Liberal blogger Jason Cherniak showed up, as did Steve “Angry in the Great White North” Janke, and our good friend Andrew “call me Andrew” Coyne, who held court at the bar (as is his wont) until well into the evening.
We also had Mike “On the Attack” Brock– who has a new talk show called the Al and Mike Show — and many other luminaries, including Saleem and Kareem Khan, Leila Boujnane and her cohort from Idee, David “Troublemaker” Crow, Jevon MacDonald of Firestoker and a host of others (if you were there and I missed you, please let me know).
Obligatory mesh blurb:
mesh is only a few weeks away, and we have tons of great speakers and panels (see the full schedule here), and tickets are going quickly, so get your butt over to the site and grab a few, etc. etc.