Ever since mesh ended back in May, we’ve had lots of people asking us — that is, Stuart and Rob and Mark and Mike — whether we’re going to do another one, and the answer is… hell, yes! In fact, we had such a great time at mesh that we’ve been wanting to do another one ever since we got finished cleaning up from the last one. Now we’ve got the venue and dates locked down, so we wanted to let everyone know that mesh 2007 is definitely a go.
We’re doing it at the MaRS Discovery District again, on University Ave near Queen’s Park, and the dates are Tuesday, May 30 and Wednesday, May 31 (we’ll let you know as soon as the ticket window is open so you can book your tickets). If you want to check out what some people had to say about the first one, there’s a roundup of links on the mesh blog.
We’re hoping to pull together just as fantastic a group of speakers for keynote conversations and panel discussions, as well as blogging, podcasting and other workshops, and we’ll also be having the same kind of social in the atrium and after-party bash that were so well received last time. And speaking of social events, we thought some of you might not be able to wait until next spring, so we decided to have a kind of Toronto Web 2.0 mesh meetup in November. Nothing too fancy — just a come-one and come-all invite to the Irish Embassy pub on November 15, sometime after 6 p.m. or so, for some drinks and great conversation.
Of course, mesh 2006 involved a whole lot of great conversation too, and if you either couldn’t make it to the conference or wanted to relive some of those keynotes, we’ve uploaded audio files of each of our main conversations:
- Venture capitalist Dr. Paul Kedrosky being interviewed by Mathew
- Public relations guru Steve Rubel from Edelman being interviewed by Stuart
- Former Business 2.0 writer Om Malik being interviewed by Mark
- Canadian law professor Dr. Michael Geist being interviewed by Rob and
- Online marketing phenom Tara Hunt doing a great interactive presentation.
We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoyed doing them. Feel free to share them with anyone who might be interested, provided you don’t charge anything for them, and and that you give credit to mesh. And get ready for some equally great keynotes and panels at mesh 2007!
The mesh organizers