Is the future of TV?

I know it’s kind of late, but this is a story I wrote for the Globe and Mail about (original is here).

It’s being called "lifecasting."

Justin Kan, who coined the term, is the 23-year-old co-founder of a San Francisco-based company and the "star" of an Internet video experiment called He wears a small camera mounted on a baseball cap, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and the video is streamed to his website at

justin.jpgEating, working, talking on the phone, shopping, at parties with his friends and co-founders – the camera is always on. When Kan is asleep, the camera is mounted on a tripod pointed at his bed. He even wears it when he’s going to the bathroom (although he tilts it up toward the ceiling).

Kan isn’t wearing the camera because he thinks his life is all that fascinating; in fact, he freely admits that what he does most of the time isn’t interesting at all. And one of the few times that things did get interesting – when Kan went back to a woman’s apartment and the two wound up in the bedroom – the camera went dark, while a porn-movie soundtrack superimposed by the team back at headquarters.

Kan and his partners didn’t fit him with a hat-cam because they think he deserves to be a celebrity. They’re doing it because they want to show how easy wearing a camera around all day can be. Kan says they want to create an army of lifecasters – actors, musicians, even "citizen journalists" who could follow political candidates around.

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