The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Harrison Ford Helps Rescue Boy Scout

July 11, 2001 at 8:00 p.m. EDT

JACKSON, Wyo. -- Harrison Ford starred in a search-and-rescue sequel for a missing Boy Scout this week in a forest just south of Yellowstone National Park.

The actor, a part-time Jackson resident who offers his flying skills and helicopter for rescue missions, joined a search for a missing Utah Boy Scout who had wandered off a trail Monday and spent a cold night alone in the secluded forest, said the Teton County Sheriff's Office in Wyoming.

After two hours of flying, Ford and another searcher found 13-year-old Cody Clawson, clad in a T-shirt, shorts and sandals, about 10 miles from a Boy Scout camp at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Ford landed nearby to whisk the soggy, cold, tired and hungry Scout to safety.

"Boy, you sure must have earned a merit badge for this one," said Ford, who turns 59 this week.

"I already earned this badge last summer," Cody replied.

Cody spent the night taking cover under a rock outcropping. He planned to resume the Scout trip, which is scheduled to end Saturday, said his mother, Peggy Clawson.

"Cody said the kids asked if he got an autograph and he said, 'No, but I got a hug and a handshake, and that's better than an autograph,' " she said.

The boy was separated from the rest of Troop 241 from Huntsville, Utah, while carrying supplies from a vehicle to a campsite in Loll Boy Scout Camp, which is in Targhee National Forest about a mile south of the Yellowstone National Park boundary and about 40 miles north of Jackson.

He disappeared around 2 p.m. Monday, and searchers looked for four hours before calling authorities in Fremont County in Idaho and Teton County in Wyoming.

They resumed the search at 6 a.m. Tuesday, including a Wyoming Air Patrol plane and Ford's helicopter.

This is the second time in a year that Ford guided his helicopter into the backcountry for a rescue.

Last July he plucked an Idaho Falls, Idaho, hiker off 11,106-foot Table Mountain in Teton County. Megan Freeman climbed the mountain, but altitude sickness and dehydration left her ill and unable to climb down. Ford picked her up and flew her to a hospital.

Harrison Ford, an accomplished helicopter pilot, assisted police in a similar fashion last summer.